Thursday, March 31, 2011


So, I was cleaning my room the other day (shocking, I know) and came across some great stuff. Probably the funniest thing was my diary that I used during high school. Oh wow! I read over it and just laughed......sometimes a bit embarrassed. I know that all of us have changed over the years, but I can't believe I was really that cheesey! I cringed reading some parts! It was a fun stroll down memory lane..........crushes......fights with drama.......boys, boys, and more boys............

It got me thinking about that thing your parents tell you when you're a teenager, that "these are the best years of your life" thing. I completely disagree with it, but I will admit that I miss some things and some people. Ten years ago, I could list at least 10 things that I would do differently if I could. Older now (and perhaps a little wiser), I honestly would only change my reactions to things.

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