Sunday, June 20, 2010

Jen made me do it!!!

Well, I'm not sure how this blog-thing goes. Jen and I were talking about her blog and various other blogs, and she decided I should do one as well. So, here it goes!

Amazingly enough, I got to go to church today even though it's my weekend to work. I love my church! I am reminded of that more and more these days. I am so thankful for a pastor and elders who stand on the Word! And for a church that is committed to reaching people in our neighborhood and all around the world!

So, this morning in church, God convicted me of a few things. At the heart of these convictions is the fact that I do not keep my eyes on Him as I should. Taking my eyes off of Jesus results in a bad attitude, a numbness to other people, a loss of purpose, and just a general dissatisfaction with my life. There are things in my life that I would like to change; things I desire; things I want to accomplish. And these are not "bad" things, but desiring these things more than I desire God and His will for my life, that makes it sin. If I am completely honest with myself, I know that God's way is the way I want to do things. I am just not a very patient person and I hate leaving things out of my own hands. But in reality, I have no control over all this stuff! None!

I can remember being a little girl and doing different things that made my parents laugh. Like wearing my dad's softball shoes, my mom's nightgown, and a plastic bowl on my head, pretending to go to work. I am pretty certain that God watches me and laughs on a regular basis. Not in a mean way, but in the same way my parents did. He's laughing and thinking, "She has so much more to learn". And I do! Wow, do I ever! I know it will take a lot of time for each lesson too, because for some reason I insist on learning the same lessons over and over again. Guess I am just stubborn that way!

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