Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"On the Night You Were Born"

I have this routine when Caleb and/or Lilly spend the night at my place. Before bed, I read them the same book each night, 'On the Night You Were Born'. I love the book and Lilly has parts of it memorized, which makes it all the more amazing! Tonight, reading the book was even more special, since we are all waiting for Dylan Christopher to be born.

Here's my favorite part:

"For never before in story or rhyme (not even once upon a time) has the world ever known a you, my friend, and it never will, not ever again...
Heaven blew every trumpet and played every horn on the wonderful, marvelous night you were born."

Lilly's favorite part is when it talks about the lady bugs that land and decide to stay, of course!

And tonight, as Lilly sleeps, I am reminded of how blessed I am to have several special children in my life. I have plenty of kids to love at the center, but there are three that I get to be really involved in their lives. Caleb (aka "Booger") is five years old. He is so smart and funny, and it's really hard to believe he's going to kindergarten in August. I know it will break my heart when he becomes too cool for hugs and kisses! Caleb's little sister, Lilly (aka "Lilly-Bug"), will be 3 years old in July. I was worried that I wouldn't be as close to her as I am with Caleb because I didn't get to keep her as an infant. I kept Caleb until he was almost two while Crystal worked and I loved every minute of it. When Lilly came along, I was working day-shift at the center and couldn't keep her. She started at my center around 7 months and I snuck in her room on every break I could get! The closeness has not been hurt! And last, but not least, is Kaytlin (aka "Short-Stuff") who is 3 years old. Kaytlin started at my center in the toddler room. I baby-sat for her a few times and I've become very close friends with her parents. Kaytlin and Lilly are BFFs! And it's pretty adorable!

And now I'm waiting for this new little bundle, Dylan Christopher! Just so very thankful that God has blessed my world with these special little people (and that they have parents who allow me to be in their lives)! Love you all!!!

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