Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Waiting Room


I really dislike waiting rooms. I have a lot of patience when it comes to working with children, but I have very little when it comes to waiting. I don't like to stand in lines, get stuck at traffic lights, wait for people who are late, wait for a machine at the gym, or sit in a waiting room. Weird, huh? I mean, I really don't have an abundance of free time and it really bothers me to "waste" my time waiting!

Recently, in my small-group study, we talked about our dislike of waiting. I was relieved to learn that it was not just me. We talked a lot about how we spend our time and that we all need to have some time to just be still. Being still allows us to focus on the Lord and to listen for His voice, to let Him show us where He is working and how He is moving. We miss all this by simply surviving through our lives. I am so guilty of not being still. We were challenaged to use those times of waiting to practice being still. And I have been! I do need much more practice, but I have actually enjoyed standing in line at the store lately!

God gives us different types of waiting periods in our lives. Several of my friends are in waiting periods right now. Some are waiting for jobs. Some are waiting for a baby to be born (a baby who is currently 5 days past his due date!). Some are trying to have babies. Some are waiting to move. Some are waiting to heal. Some are waiting on another person. Some are just waiting for direction. And I'm in a waiting room as well. It's frustrating and I just want to be done waiting. If I had a remote control that could fast-forward through this, I would be very tempted to use it (even after seeing "Click"). This is not my first waiting room and I'm sure it won't be my last. Looking back, I have learned some important lessons in waiting rooms, lessons I could not have learned elsewhere. I was reminded of some of those waiting rooms tonight when I came across this song. I can remember the first time I heard it. I was in a period of waiting that I thought would NEVER end! This song just encouraged me and through it, God provided an amazing peace.

Friends, believe or not, this waiting room is from God and it is a good time that is serving His purpose!

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