Sunday, June 27, 2010

The last few days.......

WARNING: The following post is about what has happened in my world the last few days and my emotional response to it all. It is not coherent. It may not make sense. Sorry!

Since Wednesday night I have had kids at my place. Caleb and Lilly have been staying with me due to the arrival of Dylan Christopher. Kaytlin has stayed over a few nights because she wanted to join the fun. I love having the kids! And, bonus, I got to drive the mini-van! Woooohooooo! I have been living the dream!

Dylan Christopher..........just a beautiful baby boy! Getting to share his birth with Crystal, David, the families and other friends was truly a blessing. Caleb is a very proud big brother and Lilly adores her little brother.

I have gotten a lot less sleep than my normal, partly because of the kids and partly because my mind has been racing. You know that horrible point when your mind jumps from one subject to the next and never shuts off---that's where I've been. And of course, all of the subjects my mind keeps hopping around are things I can do nothing about.

Other than that, I just want to say that I am making some major changes in my life. Some people will not like the changes, some will, and I'm sure that some people will not notice. But, I'm not making the changes for others, this is for me.


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