Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Does God care about me?

Day 2 of VBS is complete! And tonight we learned about how much God cares for us. There are daily devotions that those of us leading VBS were asked to read each day. This morning, the devotion asked the question, "Does God care about me?". The author then said that it seemed like a silly question and that we all know the answer, but sometimes it's comforting to hear it again! Like, when I asked Caleb, Lilly, or Kaytlin if they love me; I know the answer, but it's really great to hear them say it!

I know without a doubt that God cares for me. He loves me so much, loves me enough to send His Son to die to pay my sin debt. But sometimes, it's really nice to be reminded of how God cares. I get so wrapped up in my life not going the way I want it to go, that I forget He has a perfect plan for my life. So, I don't have to worry! I don't have to adjust "the plan"; God has got that completely covered! What a relief!

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