Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Time to listen up......

Have you ever had a conversation with someone and you know that the whole time you're talking, the other person is not listening at all and probably just trying to figure out what to say next? I've been there, a lot, and I've probably also been the other person as well. What about giving the answer of "Fine" when you're asked how you've been because you know the person asking doesn't want to hear the truth? Been there, done that.

Some people are just gifted listeners. I can be a good listener, but my ability is based on my mood and that's really hard for me to control. God has blessed me with several gifted listeners in my life. My mom is probably the best listener I have; even over the phone, she is completely involved in our conversations and it's awesome. I call her to talk about all kinds of stuff. I rehearse conversations with my momma! I know she'll be honest with me and give me good feedback. And she actually thinks about our conversations after we have ended them and calls with or texts other thoughts she has on the subject. Mom isn't the only gifted listener I know........I have a few more in my life and I am very thankful!

Have you ever noticed that it doesn't matter how many people are listening to you if one certain person isn't HEARING what you're saying? I tell my kids at the center to "turn your ears on" whenever I need their attention. It works great. Makes me wonder......should I start telling adults the same thing? Would it work? Because I really need you to hear me, to really hear me! Are you ready to listen?


  1. Great song! Never heard it before but I like it.

    Am I a good listener Sarah?

  2. Yes, do it! I have that problem with Josh a lot, so I will just say "Let me know when I can talk to you" so I know I will have his full attention. I think by prompting them that way you are letting them know you really want them to hear you and not just half listen. Great post Sarah! :)

  3. Kevin- you're pretty good at listening. And you would probably like most of Brandon Heath's stuff.

    Sarah-thanks for reading!
