Tuesday, July 6, 2010

One of those days.....

Today has been, well, not wonderful. Nothing happened that will make an eternal difference, but it has just been a rough day. I know that nothing can happen to me outside of God's plan, but I have felt very lost today.

My grandma was an amazing woman who taught me so much. And today I could hear her voice kind of singing one of her little lessons, "Feelings come and feelings go and feelings are deceiving.". Told you she was amazing. Very profound truth that is easily memorized.

So, I might be feeling lost and like my world is spinning too fast for me, but these are just feelings. Feelings hurt and injure me, but only if I give in. And if I was relying on my strength, I would have given in from the beginning. But, I'm relying on Christ's strength and His strength is perfect. His grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in weakness.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you had a bad day! But you definitely have your heart and mind in the right place. We are not equipped to handle things that send us spinning, which is why we need God. So glad you are relying on His strength :) Take care.
