Friday, July 2, 2010

There is a difference between wanting something and being obsessed with it. If something crosses your mind once or twice a day and you think, "It would be nice to have that", I don't think you've reached the obsession point. But, when you spend more than a couple thoughts on that something, and plan out ways to get that something each day, you are obsessed!

I struggle with being obsessed, daily! And the object of my obsession changes all the time. My obsession should be Christ, but I have to fight for that every minute, battling against my own nature. The way my obsession jumps from one thing to another drives me crazy! My mind is like an iPod that is constantly set on shuffle!

Okay, so the problem has been identified. How do I fix it? I don't. I can't on my own. But, I can daily (hourly, minutely, or whenever needed) submit to the Lord. Laying my problems at His feet and re-focusing my mind on Him; nothing else will do. It blows my mind that I even have the right to call on His name, let alone depend on Him for everything. Christ died and rose again to allow me that privilege. He took my place, paid for my sins, and bridged the gap between me and the Father! Hallelujah!

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